About us

Confidence Media has been operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 1998.

We specialize in outdoor advertising – billboards, bigboards, CLV, bench advertising, public transport advertising, banners on street lighting columns, indoor frames… We stand out especially for our perfect placement knowledge and targeting of all advertising media we offer. Thanks to our SW, we are able to process and offer on-line an optimal selection of over 90,000 outdoor advertising media.Sestavujeme kampaně na míru klientům

  • We create tailored-made campaigns for clients
  • We create and manage ad navigation systems for our clients’ business premises
  • We design various creative solutions
  • We process everything into interactive Google maps with the option of click-through photos and tours around each advertising media
  • We run the e-shop „billboardsrental.com“ offering over 90,000 advertising media
Markéta Kubálková Markéta Kubálková

Markéta Kubálková

Managing Director
+420 602 237 555 kubalkova@cmedia.cz
Martin Mráz Martin Mráz

Martin Mráz

Sales Director
+420 777 709 939 mraz@cmedia.cz
Mariana Vlková Mariana Vlková

Mariana Vlková

Account Manager
+420 778 774 263 vlkova@cmedia.cz
Jana Nováková Jana Nováková

Jana Nováková

Account Manager
+420 777 709 568 novakova@cmedia.cz
team members



The best-known outdoor available advertising format.



A striking media with a great visibility of every message.



A communication power and excellent readability due to lighting.



A media available everywhere, including places without media.


Double Bigboard

An exclusive media type, located along highly frequented roads.


Information board

A media placed on street lighting columns or traction lines.


Sticker advertising

One of the oldest advertising media available in A1 format.


In public transport

There are plenty options from paper flyers to stickers for vehicles.


Indoor frames

Perfect for public authority offices, hospitals, and schools.



Panels consist of 300 × 125 cm and can be combined into a row.



Analysis of selected location in terms of its transport serviceability and location of the advertising media

Selection of the most appropriate advertising media for any given purpose

Arrangement of a custom-made advertising space construction (even in non-standard dimensions)

Placement of mobile billboards in places with no existing advertising areas

Putting ad campaigns or navigation into Google maps using click-through photos

Consistent quality monitoring of the ongoing campaigns

Survey of the competing companies´ outdoor advertising

Final campaign/navigation evaluation + photo documentation

Continuously updated database of all outdoor advertising media in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Regular monitoring of strategic locations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (regional cities, highways, first class roads)

Audit and subsequent optimization of client´s existing ad navigations


All Campaigns Tailored-made solutions


Confidence Media, s.r.o. U Bulhara 3 110 00 Praha 1

IČ: 25689657 DIČ: CZ25689657

Společnost je zapsána u MS v Praze, 61410 C.

E-mail: info@cmedia.cz Tel.: +420 226 216 161 Fax: +420 226 216 160

General Terms & Conditions CZ General Terms & Conditions SK

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